Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lengthy interviews..

With hardly 3 job switches in a career of 8 years, I have had very little experience of giving interviews. I however have got more experience of taking interviews.

I remember the first time I took interviews was when my boss dragged me with him to a campus recruitment. I was more nervous than the candidates!!!.. and at times I was not sure if the candidate was right or I was right.. It took me a few candidates to realize, I don't have to be right, but the candidate should know if he is right..

Anyways, I have come a long way now but I am still learning.. Last time I was interviewing a girl for a product marketing role. She was fresh out of management school, dressed in the best formal attire and could speak more than what I wanted to know.. The interview went on for a couple of hours.. And the candidate ended up asking more questions that I did. Finally, I had to call it a day, cause my bladder couldn't hold the pressure anymore. I had to end the interview saying "Sorry, I am not entertaining anymore questions. Thank you!". As soon as I stepped out, my colleague checked if I were convinced enough to get married to her, and if the next round was with the parents..

I hate taking interviews now, but when I have to do it, I don't stop digging till the person gives me the answer that I want to hear. I guess this happens, cause I am still trying to match upto the interview that my then bosses had taken to select me. Not that I could impress them enough, but sure they could impress me enough to give up other job opportunities and join them. I eventually got so impressed that they went ahead and quit the company, but I am still sticking around!! Can you beat that!!

I feel its difficult to find good people, but after all the patient lengthy interviews when you find the right person it gives an orgasmic pleasure!!


  1. Excerpt:
    interview - girl - fresh - entertaining - marriage? - orgasmic pleasure - YEAH!!!

  2. Welcome to blogging world. Would like to read more from your blogs. Keep writing.

    - Uday

  3. M lucky u never interviewed me... for anything...:)
